冬日隨筆(一)A Winter’s Poem (1)
山中晶瑩雪 春深寂寞林
四時不同景 冷淡總相因
倦遊紅塵久 常懷高士心
默然獨愁予 空谷生白雲
Crystal snow covering the mountains
The thick forests so lonely
While scenes change across every season
The coldness of life remains
Tired of traveling through this human world
How I long to soar far beyond!
Silent I sit here alone with a sorrowful heart
Watching white clouds rising amidst the empty valleys.
Translated by Jennifer Zeng and Gerard Traub
伯牙揮手百鳥飛 古調希聲彈與誰
偶遇斯人在草野 聽琴論道樂不歸
指上峨峨山之隈 弦外湯湯水之湄
高山流水彈斷續 人生到此能幾回
逃聲一嘆意未盡 知音不返白雲垂
千載寂寞少同調 絶響傳於後人悲
義結千古, 自桃園一拜, 死生相從。
亂世英雄當用事, 所謂三人成眾。
盡有西南, 三分天下, 看將雄兵勇。
青天蜀道, 江山如畫如夢。
功業何許崢嶸, 西風吹斷, 白帝添高冢。
代有興亡說不盡, 天意誰人能懂。
中土為台, 三國演「義」, 故壘荒煙重。
歌哭青史, 為由何事心動。
定中 In Tranquility / In Ding
天道何盤盤 機深玉宇寒
趺坐白石上 坐久夜正闌
山鳥驚飛去 庭空更蕭然
一念如寂滅 回看小塵寰
The Way of Heaven narrows, squeezing, distant, upward
complexly to an up high, jade-made palace.
I meditate, legs tight on a whitened mountain bollard,
long, through long night’s deep-stretched, empty solace.
Even mountain birds scatter before the palace.
The courtyard desolate. The whole world, dust.
One simple, single thought. Silence. Extinction. No place.
Look backward, only a speck of dust.
Translated by Jennifer Zeng and Damian Robin
千載契闊 我思戰國
燕南趙北 奇節卓犖
載酒天涯 風塵落拓
十步殺人 拂衣自若
混跡屠狗 交遊王侯
士為知己 輕生重諾
五月花開 相逢於陌
短劍長歌 歷歷猶昨
西江月•初冬有懷 My Thoughts in Early Winter
Tune: Xi Jiang Yue(1) (Moon Over the West River)
Wandering through foreign lands
Half of my lifetime has passed
Wherever I go
In this human world
I build another cottage as I cultivate myself
My dream of returning
Always revisiting
As strong as in the beginning
Carrying me over thousands of rivers and mountains.
Don't tell me how wonderful and colorful this world is!
I only care about traveling freely
To rivers and lakes
Amidst mist and evening glow
Yet alas! For what reasons do I sometimes hesitate?
A faint sadness swells in my chest
As I vaguely remember
My real home in the heavens
Hidden beyond the white clouds.
1. Xi Jiang Yue is A qupai, the generic term for a fixed melody used in traditional Chinese music. A qupai (Chinese: 曲牌; pinyin: qǔpái; also called Chinese: 牌子; pinyin: paizi) is the generic term for a fixed melody used in traditional Chinese music. The literal meaning is "named tune," "labeled melody," "titled tune," or "titled song".)
Translated by Jennifer Zeng and Gerard Traub
白蓮歌 Song to the White Lotus
Oh, white lotus, so lovely,
Growing essence of moonlight;
Standing graceful, pure lady,
As sunshine makes clouds bright.
Nature’s crowns, you’ve no need for;
High immortals don't hold you.
With the wind may my wings soar
Passed world's seas to be near you.
Translation by Jennifer Zeng | Rendition into formal English verse by Damian Robin