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白雲詩社攝影師張炳乾先生的肖像作品 Portrait photos by Benny Zhang Studio.
張炳乾(Benny Zhang)先生在十九年的攝影生涯中,作品多次獲得國家及國際獎項。作品《漁歌唱晚》在全國擘天柱攝影大賽中獲銀獎,作品《網事》2008年英國皇家攝影學會(世界上最早的攝影組織)151屆攝影展中國區入選,2012年新唐人全球攝影大賽四張相片入選。張先生曾師從中國徐吉本先生(多次國際金獎的獲得者,中國風光大師)和張雁鳴先生(中國人像十杰),擅長風光,人物,美食,產品,人文等攝影。目前任職于「紐約時尚精英雜志」。
Benny Zhang is an award-winning photographer with nearly two decades of professional experience. His landscape “Fishing at Sunset” won the Silver Award in a national photography competition in China; his photographs were selected by the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain for the China portion of its 151st exhibition; four of his works were given awards in the International NTDTV Photography Competition. Zhang is a master of a variety of photographic formats, including landscape, portrait, food, product, and general editorial. He is currently a freelance photographer for Elite Magazine in New York City.
My heart fulfilled
My body as light as a swallow
Melt Into the Way
My world is bright and full of joy
Jennifer Zeng at Central Park in New York. Photo by Benny Zhang Studio.
(Ariel Tian 2018年春於中央公園。)
Ariel Tian, Art Director of White Cloud Poetry Society (WCPS) at central park. Photo by Benny Zhang Studio.
白雲詩社攝影師張炳乾先生的風光作品 Landscape photos by Benny Zhang Studio.
張炳乾(Benny Zhang)先生在十九年的攝影生涯中,作品多次獲得國家及國際獎項。作品《漁歌唱晚》在全國擘天柱攝影大賽中獲銀獎,作品《網事》2008年英國皇家攝影學會(世界上最早的攝影組織)151屆攝影展中國區入選,2012年新唐人全球攝影大賽四張相片入選。張先生曾師從中國徐吉本先生(多次國際金獎的獲得者,中國風光大師)和張雁鳴先生(中國人像十杰),擅長風光,人物,美食,產品,人文等攝影。目前任職于「紐約時尚精英雜志」。
Benny Zhang is an award-winning photographer with nearly two decades of professional experience. His landscape “Fishing at Sunset” won the Silver Award in a national photography competition in China; his photographs were selected by the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain for the China portion of its 151st exhibition; four of his works were given awards in the International NTDTV Photography Competition. Zhang is a master of a variety of photographic formats, including landscape, portrait, food, product, and general editorial. He is currently a freelance photographer for Elite Magazine in New York City.