飛雪樹頭 太古周遊
我思浩浩 天地悠悠
東風吹徹 孰與唱酬
我思茫茫 不見子猷
尋梅策蹇 寒江泛舟
我思澹澹 聊以忘憂
四望一白 如臨姑射
我思渙渙 夫復何求
With all the trees in shrouds of falling snow,
We move towards the moment of Time's birth.
My thoughts leap forward with great strength and flow
Within the massive gap of heaven … earth.
Around me, cold East Wind that blows and blows
Much like a song—but who will sing with me?
Dispersing, wafting thoughts are vagrant echoes
Of Zi You gone, returned, now not with me.
I want to ride a donkey, sail the river
To trace plum blossoms at the edge of mind.
My thoughts reach gently, dancing on forever,
They leave the worried world’s concerns behind.
While in the center of this pure white realm,
I could be in the presence of Ku Yi.
Contented, all my thoughts flow with no helm.
All I have is all I need to be.
Translated by Jennifer Zeng.
Edited by Damian Robin.
Ariel Tian, Art Director of White Cloud Poetry Society, at Central Park. Photo by Benny Zhang Studio.